Marketplace Help Center

Welcome to the Marketplace Help Center!

Whether you need assistance enrolling in a health plan, need to update your personal information, or have any questions, we’re here to help in person, over the phone, or online.

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Find a Virginia Certified Assister

Assisters in your community can help with every step of the application and enrollment process. They provide free, unbiased enrollment assistance, with options to meet virtually or in person.

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Call Customer Service

Contact the Marketplace’s customer service representatives if you need assistance enrolling in a health plan, need to update your personal information, or have any questions.

Contact Us
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Find a Virginia Certified Agent

Whether you’re shopping as an individual, family, or small business owner, a Virginia Licensed Insurance Agent can provide you with free personalized plan recommendations and enrollment support. 

Find an Agent
man on phone

Call Customer Service

Contact the Marketplace’s customer service representatives if you need assistance enrolling in a health plan, need to update your personal information, or have any questions.

Consumer Assistance Center: 888-687-1501.

Consumer Assistance Center TTY (teletype): 711 (for those who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech disabled)

Consumer Assistance Center Hours

  • Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm ET  
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Still Have Questions?

Get answers to frequently asked questions about the Marketplace and its offerings.

  • Contact a navigator at Enroll Virginia and get free help online or in person from trained experts to sign up for health insurance. Navigators can help review eligibility and options for different programs and types of coverage. 
  • Connect with local navigators from Boat People SOS to get enrolled in an affordable health plan.

Free translation services are available. Call the Consumer Assistance Center at 1-888-687-1501 for assistance.

professional helping man on computer

Agents and Assisters

We appreciate the agents and assisters who partner with the Marketplace. If you need help with your Marketplace account or have any questions, call the number below.

Agent and assister helpline: 888-687-1502.