Still Need Health Insurance?
See if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period.
Outside of the annual Open Enrollment Period (November 1 – January 15), Virginians can purchase a health plan on Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace or make changes to their existing plan if they qualify for a Special Enrollment Period.
You qualify for a Special Enrollment Period if you have experienced certain changes in your circumstances known as Qualifying Life Events. Not sure if you have a Qualifying Life Event? Use the Marketplace Help Center below to connect with a navigator, assister, or agent.

A Marketplace by Virginia for Virginians
Bailey, of Richmond, turned 26 and needed to find his own health insurance. He was able to easily browse plans online and enroll in a plan through a special enrollment period. Bailey found coverage within his budget that allows him to focus on what he loves to do most.
Qualifying life events fit into the following basic categories:
Loss of Health Coverage
- Loss of Medicaid
- Loss of coverage through employer
- Loss of other minimum essential coverage
Changes in Residence and Household
- Moved into the state
- Change of address
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Birth
- Adoption
- Legal separation
- Gain of court-appointed dependent
- Death in the family
Other Qualifying Life Events
- Cancellation of hardship exemption
- Income below 150% of Federal Poverty Level
- Change in income
- Covered child ages out
- Change in American Indian/Alaska Native status
- Change in incarceration status
- Change in legal status
- Change in US citizenship status
Important Information
Some Qualifying Life Events must be verified by Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace to open up a Special Enrollment Period. If one of the above situations applies to you, make sure to have your information handy when you go to apply.
After experiencing a Qualifying Life Event, an individual may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period if they or anyone in their household lost qualifying health coverage in the past 60 days or expects to lose coverage in the next 60 days. Individuals have 60 days from the loss of coverage to enroll in a new health plan.
Information on Tropical Storm Helene
FEMA designated several Virginia localities based on the impact of Tropical Storm Helene. Affected Virginia residents of FEMA-designated localities who meet eligibility requirements for QHPs will be granted a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Consumers will need to call the Consumer Assistance Center (888-687-1501) and verify that they reside in one of the impacted localities.
Current designated localities include: Giles, Grayson, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, and Wythe counties and the independent city of Galax.
Losing Virginia Medicaid or FAMIS
Beginning January 1, 2024, Virginians who lose Medicaid coverage can report expected loss of coverage up to 60 days prior to the loss. They can apply for Marketplace coverage and enroll in coverage up to 90 days after the date of application.
Ready to start shopping for a health plan or make changes to your current plan? Find out more information or enroll below.
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